Tuesday, November 10, 2015

B'ham Natural History Club- October 2015

October outings had to contend with the weather. We have had a good bit of rain so far this fall.
Our trip to the Kicklighters had to be postponed one week, which meant I was not able to go. But, while we were visiting friends in Kentucky, Cathy (a great teacher from Crestwood Day School) led a wonderful excursion.

The Kicklighters allowed us to come explore late last spring, and the families were happy to enjoy their hospitality again. This is a place full of wonders, and I hear that Cathy was a great guide. Here is an email that she sent to the parents after the excursion.

Dear CDS Students, friends and Moms,
Thank you to all who came out today to enjoy some unspoiled nature!  I had such a good time being with you all and especially hearing the squeals and delight and the splashing of the water.  I wanted to share with you a quote from one of my heroes of nature, Rachel Carson:
"If a child is to keep alive his inborn sense of wonder ... he needs the companionship of at least one adult who can share it, rediscovering with him the joy, excitement and mystery of the world we live in."
I say, "well done", to those adults who accompanied us today and "well done" to all you parents who strive to keep alive in your children this sense of wonder that Crestwood Day School desires to provide for your students.  Enjoy the beauty right where you are this Fall.  Remember that God is drawing us to notice, see and listen to creation and in return we worship Him!
To His Glory!
Mrs. Cathy