Monday, March 23, 2009

Outdoor Challenge #4

Today we (including daddy) went to the Moss Rock Preserve in Hoover. We spent a little over 2 hours on the trail. The twins got tired, but they did well!... and especially liked the "big wocks and watie" (big rocks and water)

The boys had chosen insects to study, but they noticed so many things, and Josh especially noticed things he had been learning in botany, and pointed out an unrolling fern, which we had discovered last week at the Botanical Gardens. The boys saw some bees, but not many other bugs. They did notice several spider webs, though. They were very excited to discover several "caves", and we got a picture in one.

We noticed several types of moss, they noticed the blooming oak leaf hydrangeas, and even found some minnows in the stream. All in all, it was a great family excursion, even if we did not make it to the official "boulder fields"; a place where lots of rock climbers spend their time. We have been there before but went in by a different route this time, and did not make it because we had hungry stomachs and tired toddlers.

The last picture we are going to follow up on; it was a dead log across the trail with tons of lichen on it.


Barb said...

Hi Parke!

I am able to finally leave you a comment....wahoo!

Thanks for all your entries over the last week or so. I have read every one.

I am greatly encouraged by your efforts and your children are going to reap great benefits.

Thanks again for all your links,

Barb-Harmony Art Mom